what do you think of casting say korean fcs as chinese etc? because as an asian person i’ve never had any problem with it because there really aren’t enough asian actors available for use but i know some people (usually white people) are against it. its just as a chinese person i want to rp as a chinese character but its difficult with such little representation in hollywood.

Short answer: no, don’t do it. why would you.

Long answer: Everything about this just seems so off to me. First of all, I am not Chinese or Korean so I cannot fully say what is offensive and not but here we go. I understand wanting to rp as a character of the same ethnicity, I try to do that a lot too. So, if you want to create a character that has similar backgrounds to you… why would you want to cast them with a different ethnicity? There are so many things wrong with using East Asian fcs interchangeably, and I don’t understand why as a Chinese person you would not understand that. I understand that in EA media you can see actors portraying different ethnicities, Nakamura Shizuka plays a Taiwanese woman in Yamaneko, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay and it’s definitely an issue with EA media. I think you also need to consider the history between all our countries and why it’s an issue to cast especially a Korean person as Chinese or Japanese. The argument that it is “usually white people” who are against it is wrong, extremely so. A lot of people I know who get upset about it are not white, myself included. Not to mention several EA celebrities in America have been vocal about miscasting in Hollywood. While I agree there is little representation in Hollywood, there are Chinese actors out there that you can use from Chinese media or from American shows and movies that have Chinese actors in. You can request from any rph who has their requests open. By saying it’s okay to cast incorrectly then you are just allowing people to get away with the miscasting of Chinese, Japanese and Korean people as though we are all interchangeable.

Your Yang Yang gif pack was stunning! (Those eyebrows – you are so right!) Thank you so much for your hard work and fantastic resources. I also have a follow-up question: Do you have any suggestions for someone who would make a good younger brother for him? Just a hair younger, not like a little kid or anything. Thank you!

Thank you so much, it really means a lot ;;; Below are some fcs who are 18-25 years old, but because I am bad with looks I chose to just give you a list of people in that age range and bold the ones I think could play his brother, and the rest are just there for if you don’t mind looks. I referenced @xiaolongrph‘s post here and did a lot of googling.


Thank you so much for the fc help! Now I just have to deal with the agony of decision, urk! ;) I appreciate the great answer, complete with visual even at three am! You are the best! Also-omg you are right there are like zilch resources for Japanese fcs I had no idea? Thank you for doing so much to fix that (and other problems ofc) you are awesome!

This is such a nice reply thank you so much!! People actually are making more resources for Japanese fcs but they’re mostly in their 20s tbh so I’m hoping to do more teenage fcs and fcs over 40 when I get time!! Thank you for the message though I really appreciate it 💕 have fun choosing~

Hello Blue, do you have any suggestions for a Japanese fc for a younger boy who has the resources to pull of a sullen/sarcastic/sulky personality? I don’t have a specific age in mind, but just someone who can hang out with characters played by Elle Fanning and Karan Brar without looking out of place! (i.e. Thomas Sangster who looks like a baby even though he’s 26 would totally fit this group) Thank you so much!

The only fc who is actually a teenager with resources is Adachi Yuto, although whether he looks as young as those two is kind of questionable but he’s still 18 anyway so!!

Anyway, here’s some more fcs. I just moved a bunch of fcs from the teen to 20 section on my masterlist so they could probably work. Most of these do not have resources, because they aren’t as well known, but tbh if you message me off anon then I’d be happy to make some if I can. 

You can also just take a look here and pick someone, I suppose. Sorry I could not help much, but teenage Japanese fcs really have next to no resources especially with what you’re expecting from the resources.

Also, please do not use a much older (25+) fc who you think looks younger to play a teenager.