25c Albani 25C, ST. TH5000 Odense C


What the fuck are you trying to accomplish here. Are you crazy? Just because I speak up against you and all the shit you do, you think sending this as a threat is a good idea???

First of all, that’s not my address. It’s the address to a brewery in another city than where I live, so not only is your threat completely irrelevant and uncalled for, the way it’s formatted is also completely wrong and doesn’t even match an actual address in Denmark. Good job, Alice/Sian/V. You’re a first class intimidater, I’ll give that to you.

THIS IS SO FUCKING STUPID???? I’M OVERWHELMED BY YOUR STUPIDITY ACTUALLY. Not only have you been reported lmao, but you also just confirmed that what i’ve been doing is for the right cause. You’re sick. Get some help.


If y’all wanna spread this, it’d be swell. Let everyone see that KINGDOMOFSEVEN, VOFRPH AND EMERALDEPLHIE ARE TOXIC AND BULLIES!