ok, playing devils advocate, too. I know it’s not okay but I get how that anon decided it could be okay. If them, being chinese, don’t think it’s offensive to cast a Korean actor as chinese, why should the white girls in tumblr? They are not the ones that are discriminated and why should the other asians care? They should understand, too, what it’s like. They are not interchangeable but if they don’t find a chinese actor that they like, then thay can use a koran one.

This message is literally such nonsense, you’re not “playing devil’s advocate”, you just have a crappy opinion. The other anon had genuine valid points.

It’s not the Chinese ethnicity that is being erased here, it’s the Korean’s ethnicity. If they wanted to cast a Chinese fc as Korean, and I don’t know why they would, then by all means go ahead. They’d be erasing their own peers’ ethnicity in the process, which is what the issue is here. But because they’re erasing the Korean person’s ethnicity by just ~making them Chinese~ then it’s an issue.

lol. I said before. And I’ll say it again. Not everyone over here getting pissy is white, LOTS of Asian-American celebrities have spoke out against this sort of casting. Not all Asian people have to agree on Asian matters, just like not all white people agree on all white people matters. Just because one person thinks it’s okay doesn’t mean it’s okay. And what do you even mean why should other Asian people care??? Switching over Chinese, Japanese and Korean people is an issue for all of us and it’s not down for just one person to decide “it’s okay” like, what the fuck…. this is the exact same argument ugly racists are giving about cultural appropriation, you do realise.

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