
Below the cut you will find #24, medium ( 145×245 ) gifs of SYDNEY PARK in THE WALKING DEAD. You can make these into gif icons but please link back. Please do not add these to
your own gif hunt but feel free to make crackship gifs out of
them. Each one of these gifs was made, from scratch, by Hannah. Happy RPing!


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                                         POST BELLUM  HQ

   A  P O S T   B A T T L E  O F  H O G W A R T S  R O L E P L A Y
                                            T H E  Y E A R  I S  1 9 9 8   A N D  A L L  W A S  W E L L 

It has been over a year since the defeat of the Dark Lord, and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy has been elevated since after the war.

The wizarding school has reopened with a new headmistress, and welcomes promising witches and wizards, old and new, to join them in celebrating a new era of Hogwarts. 


——  Currently looking for a CO-ADMIN. Apply here!  ——

——  !! O P E N  FOR  A P P L I C A T I O N S !! CHARAS.  ——



Under the cut you will find #069 rp icons of Sakai Mina, a member of Imeruat. The images were screencapped and edited by Min. If you are using these it would be nice if you could like/reblog!

Notes: Mina strongly identifies with her Ainu as well as her half Japanese heritage, please cast her correctly. Her playable age range in the icons is 24-29.


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In this post, you will find #142 roleplayable icons of Brandon Soo Hoo. These were requested by anonymous, and were made by Sophie in no style. Please like/reblog if you use. The screencap credit goes to myself, so please give credit where credit is due, thank you.


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Made for tasksweekly #18: dyed hair, under the cut are 545 icons of SHUHEI NOMURA from Chihayafuru Kami no Ku. All of these icons are screencapped and edited by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them, as long as you don’t claim them as your own. Likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!

ETHNICITY: ¾ Japanese, ¼ Chinese


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As requested by @blueshelp , under the cut are 254 icons of HARU from the first episode of the Japanese Drama, Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi. All of these icons are screencapped, cropped and edited by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them, as long as you don’t claim them as your own. Likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!


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Thank you so much for the fc help! Now I just have to deal with the agony of decision, urk! ;) I appreciate the great answer, complete with visual even at three am! You are the best! Also-omg you are right there are like zilch resources for Japanese fcs I had no idea? Thank you for doing so much to fix that (and other problems ofc) you are awesome!

This is such a nice reply thank you so much!! People actually are making more resources for Japanese fcs but they’re mostly in their 20s tbh so I’m hoping to do more teenage fcs and fcs over 40 when I get time!! Thank you for the message though I really appreciate it 💕 have fun choosing~

Hello Blue, do you have any suggestions for a Japanese fc for a younger boy who has the resources to pull of a sullen/sarcastic/sulky personality? I don’t have a specific age in mind, but just someone who can hang out with characters played by Elle Fanning and Karan Brar without looking out of place! (i.e. Thomas Sangster who looks like a baby even though he’s 26 would totally fit this group) Thank you so much!

The only fc who is actually a teenager with resources is Adachi Yuto, although whether he looks as young as those two is kind of questionable but he’s still 18 anyway so!!

Anyway, here’s some more fcs. I just moved a bunch of fcs from the teen to 20 section on my masterlist so they could probably work. Most of these do not have resources, because they aren’t as well known, but tbh if you message me off anon then I’d be happy to make some if I can. 

You can also just take a look here and pick someone, I suppose. Sorry I could not help much, but teenage Japanese fcs really have next to no resources especially with what you’re expecting from the resources.

Also, please do not use a much older (25+) fc who you think looks younger to play a teenager.