Hello Blue, do you have any suggestions for a Japanese fc for a younger boy who has the resources to pull of a sullen/sarcastic/sulky personality? I don’t have a specific age in mind, but just someone who can hang out with characters played by Elle Fanning and Karan Brar without looking out of place! (i.e. Thomas Sangster who looks like a baby even though he’s 26 would totally fit this group) Thank you so much!

The only fc who is actually a teenager with resources is Adachi Yuto, although whether he looks as young as those two is kind of questionable but he’s still 18 anyway so!!

Anyway, here’s some more fcs. I just moved a bunch of fcs from the teen to 20 section on my masterlist so they could probably work. Most of these do not have resources, because they aren’t as well known, but tbh if you message me off anon then I’d be happy to make some if I can. 

You can also just take a look here and pick someone, I suppose. Sorry I could not help much, but teenage Japanese fcs really have next to no resources especially with what you’re expecting from the resources.

Also, please do not use a much older (25+) fc who you think looks younger to play a teenager.

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