Your Yang Yang gif pack was stunning! (Those eyebrows – you are so right!) Thank you so much for your hard work and fantastic resources. I also have a follow-up question: Do you have any suggestions for someone who would make a good younger brother for him? Just a hair younger, not like a little kid or anything. Thank you!

Thank you so much, it really means a lot ;;; Below are some fcs who are 18-25 years old, but because I am bad with looks I chose to just give you a list of people in that age range and bold the ones I think could play his brother, and the rest are just there for if you don’t mind looks. I referenced @xiaolongrph‘s post here and did a lot of googling.



Under the cut you will find #25 gifs of Arai Nanao from the movie Wolf Girl and Black Prince. It would be great if you could like or reblog if you use these. ALL gifs were made by me. PLEASE DO NOT:claim as your own, remove my watermark, post in gif hunts or use to make crackship gifs. You may edit as long as they’re for personal use, but you should ask first. (+100, total of 125 gifs)




Under the cut you will find #520 gifs of Yang Yang, from the drama Love O2O. It would be great if you could like or reblog if you use these. ALL gifs were made by me. PLEASE DO NOT: claim as your own, remove my watermark, post in gif hunts, crop into gif icons, whitewash or use to make crackship gifs. You may edit for PERSONAL use. Full resource rules here.


nakashima ami icons: part one


BEHOLD! 140+ static icons of the fabulous nakashima ami (1988), a japanese singer and member of the E-girls! These were requested by me as part of my Pink Champagne project to make resources for all of the E-girls! Stay tuned for more of her and the other gals! If you use these, please like or reblog so I know these icons found a good home.

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Under the cut, you’ll find 392 gifs of KARIDJA TOURÉ. They are all made by me and are sourced from her role in Girlhood (Bande de filles). These are for roleplaying purposes, so feel free to use them to your heart’s content!

PLEASE DO NOT: repost these gifs, reuse them in crackship gifs, crop them for gif icons, edit them in any other way, or compile them in gif hunts. You may link back to this gif pack in your gif hunts if necessary.


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Below the cut are #415 gifs of Chinese actor Harry Shum Jr. as Magnus Bane in the second half of Shadowhunters season one. All gifs were made by me and are only intended for roleplaying purposes. Do not repost, remove my watermark, claim as your own, edit in any way, or include in gif hunts. Please like this post if using or saving any gifs and reblog only if you’re an rp resource blog. [ PART 1 ] [ DOWNLOAD BOTH ]


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Under the cut there are exactly #240 gifs of actress, BIANCA LAWSON in her role as Darla in Queen Sugar requested by @teaganbennett-irp. They are what I deem to be roleplayable.  Each gif was created from scratch by myself. Please do not take or edit/crop them without credit (or asking me first) or add them to any gif hunts. Each gif is 250×188. Please like/reblog if you use them or you’re a rph. 


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changes to this blog, kinda.

1. i’m going to stop trying to do as many of my own personal gif packs, i want to limit myself to only planning on doing 2 because having so many i want to do on top of fulfilling requests is becoming kind of stressful for me. i will complete the ones on my to-do list slowly, but after i do them i am going to start limiting myself. i am almost always working on something which sucks lol. (i actually really like doing requests n helping but I haven’t been able to do them bc of how impulsive i am about doing stuff i want lol)

2. but i’m going to also have a cap on my requests, rather than close them and open them. probably 3 gif packs, 5 rp icons, 5 screencaps. idk if i’ll stick to those but that’s just what i plan on doing. i am also planning to be more selective about the fcs i take on, because it becomes very tedious and boring for me when i have to make gifs of an fc i do not like. 

this will not take place until i finish my mao xiaotong gifs, though. bc i rly want to get those done without the pressure of request deadlines lol.

3. less personal posts. i realise i lose a few followers whenever i either reblog or post something personal. while follower count really does not bother me, it’s clear that it is not a positive thing for my blog to have personal posts so i am going to focus only on resources, but i will reblog important posts if i feel like i need to. i have a personal blog so i really should keep my personal posts for that blog, so i am sorry i have posted a lot here.

i am going to go through my blog and delete all my personal posts soon, and i will no longer be reblogging photosets.

4. i’m removing the rule that says you need to ask for permission to edit. a lot of people have asked and i am grateful, but the majority of people i find using my stuff don’t ask and tbh it’s not a massive issue and i feel like the rule is pointless if people do it anyway.

5. deleting asks that break my rules, are not polite, rude in general etc. i have been either lenient or harsh in my approach to these asks, i have taken on requests even though requests have been closed despite knowing the person went through the page that said that they’re closed. i’ve also just been snappy to rude people. instead of replying, i’m just going to delete them. it saves me and people following me from seeing the negativity.

6. this is just a minimal thing but hopefully i’m going to use a mascot again?? i keep changing my graphics and i know it’s annoying so i am trying to stick to one fc or somthin idk. i just want to do something fun and it’s just a small bit of fun i guess idk. probably ishihara satomi again bc she’s my gf tbh. i might give jay one too~

7. follow new people?? i am really picky when it comes to following people so i only follow 30-50 depending on what’s being posted. i want to follow more people who post mainly their own resources from scratch, so if you know any blogs that mostly post their own resources for mostly poc then.. hmu idk